Specialty Dumping Systems to Solve Your Material Handling Needs
Designing Specialty Material Handing Equipment and Custom Systems is our forte. If you have material handling, product flow, part damage, floor space constraints, scrap factor concerns, or just have a GREAT IDEA but not sure how to implement it, please call DUMPERS UNLIMITED – the “Problem Solvers“.
Custom Dumping System
A Preform Dumping System designed and built by DUMPERS UNLIMITED to customer specifications.

The System consists of two Gon Dumpers, a Receiving Hopper with Feed Conveyor, and Incline Conveyor to feed a preform blow molder. The material handling system was designed to gently feed and effectively reduce damaged preform collars.

Custom Upender
Specially designed Powered Up-Ender for receiving coils on a pallet, upending coil onto V-bed, extending V-bed for removing pallet, transferring coil to be lifted into position for loading onto decoiler.